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Vinyl Asylum: Not that much Difference??? by Grant99

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Not that much Difference???

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Thanks for your input, Rich. You mentioned that sonically both the PLC and the SDS are the same? Are you positive? I mean look at the price difference.

I realize that they don't make the PLC anymore; but I could shop around for one used, I guess.

On the other hand, Rich, there's my philosophy on audio upgrades. Its like this:

Unless you're someone who upgrades every couple months (which I'm not, can't afford it) its always better to get something thats significantly better, even if costs, say 30% more, because you'll be more satisfied with it for a long time.

In the context of my VPI TT, I haven't upgraded it all in the 12 yrs I've owned it; so when I undertake to do so over the next 1-2 yrs, I want to make the upgrade step "substantial" enough so I'll be satisfied for years to come....

Put another way, its a pain to buy upgrades/equipment and then sell then the next year...especially for poverty challenged types like me.

comments, Please!

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Topic - VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? - Grant99 20:03:12 02/5/00 ( 11)