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Vinyl Asylum: Sonic Differences, more Specifically?? by Grant99

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Sonic Differences, more Specifically??

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Thanks for the comments, Bill.

Could you elaborate more on what the sonic improvements where when you went to the SDS?

My biggest frustration with my system at this point is the soundstage size: I have heard all of my components at my local dealer at various times and the sound always seems to have a more spacious, larger image. I know my Coincident speakers are capable of it, as I've heard them in the store. Of course improvements in other aspects, are always desirable as well.

This Walker power cond. is something I've only just heard about, though. Whats the price on it?

Thanks, Grant.

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Topic - VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? - Grant99 20:03:12 02/5/00 ( 11)