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Vinyl Asylum: Re: VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? by Myles B. Astor

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Re: VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ???

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Buy the SDS. You won't regret it.

As Rich indicated, it's made far better than the earlier PLC and its sounds better. It also starts up the motor far better: to get to 45 rpm, you don't need to start at 33 and then switch over. Its also allows for finer speed adjustments and has a nonvolatile memory. In addition, HW mentioned that it can be used as a power source for digital components--if you increase the voltage using the front panel adjustment---and claims it really makes them sound better.

Myles B. Astor
Ultimate Audio

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Topic - VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? - Grant99 20:03:12 02/5/00 ( 11)