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Vinyl Asylum: Re: VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? by Rich Maurin

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Re: VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ???

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I used a PLC 2 with my Aries/JMW/TNT 5 platter/bearing. It made a big difference from having the motor plugged directly into the wall or my Tice. It gave my system more air and separation.

Although it did good things, it also made the motor vibrate, on occasion. These were very small vibrations that could be sensed if you put your finger on the on/off button. Seems to contradict what this unit is supposed to do.

I did upgrade to the SDS. It does the same in my system as far as sonics. The SDS does not cause the motor to vibrate. This was a plus for me. The build quality on the SDS is much better than the PLC.

Hope this helps


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Topic - VPI Power Conditioners: SDS vs. PLC ??? - Grant99 20:03:12 02/5/00 ( 11)