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Vinyl Asylum: SDS Controller by creativepart

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SDS Controller

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I have one, and I can tell you this. When the SDS starts the TT it is at 115 volts. Then about 5 seconds later it drops to 72 volts. When it drops to 72 volts the motor physically, sonically and visually becomes quieter. You can feel it if your hand is on the motor, the plinth or the table the TT is sitting on.

Without my SDS my VPI is perfect speedwise. But with my SDS I can hear the improvement in sound with my own ears when the voltage drops. And I have the same motor you do.

At 72 volts the motor smooths out completely.

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Topic - My New VPI Classic Turntable - tullman 08:14:40 04/23/09 ( 30)