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Vinyl Asylum: RE: "The one caveat is the record clamp". by powermatic

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RE: "The one caveat is the record clamp".

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The VPI threaded clamps are actually quite clever in their construction. Very widely spaced threads means they spin on quickly, and note that the top (grip) portion of the clamp spins separately from the bottom-this prevents damage to the record label. And as others have noted, you quickly develop an intuitive 'feel' for how much pressure to apply.

I'll also reiterate at least one posters remarks concerning the SDS-it isn't just about correct speed. I think you'd be amazed at the difference they make-much more articulation of notes, faster attack, lower noise floor etc. It was immediately noticeable to me when I first plugged mine in. Plus, there is a steady supply of used available in the 6-700 dollar range. If you don't care for it, you can easily recoup your entire investment.


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Topic - My New VPI Classic Turntable - tullman 08:14:40 04/23/09 ( 30)