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Vinyl Asylum: Can't make a blind man experience colours by jeromelang

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Can't make a blind man experience colours

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< < I have tried your 12 second test a long time ago following your comments and could detect no discernable sonic difference. > >

See here's the whole issue. In my previous post on this issue, I have made it quite clear that the SCD-1 did not sound better than a $200 turntable (which happened to be a Sony turntable connected to a Tom Evans Micro Groove phonostage), if no intervention is applied to the playback process. There is no track-to-track consistency, and the SCD-1 is as harsh as everyone said it could be. But once the track-access methodology I mentioned was used, the resultant sound from the SCD-1 can be exhilarating, music would flow with the fluidity that far exceeds what I have experienced on vinyl (in many systems). There's also this "continousness" to the way the rhythmn section flows, even more so than the way analog playback on vinyl does. So since you can't detect this track-access problem on your SCD-1, it means that something in your system is masking the sonic changes. You can't begin to understand why I say SACD played on the SCD-1 can better LP playback. You can't explain shades of colours to a blind person, can you?

< < The SCD-1 rests upon the Neuance shelf which in turn rests on the Aurios Pros, my system listed under JCS with pics. > >

I have no experience with the Neuance shelf, but I have tried others like the Black Diamond Racing shelves which adds artificial details, and the Symposium platforms which I find can drain musical life away from the SCD-1. Although I have 3 of these Symposium shelves, I don't allow them to rest directly underneath the player. Instead I use a combination of 3 different materials (wood, glass, symposium platform) to neutralise each of their own sonic signatures. These 3 different material platforms rest on top of a set of Symposium rollerblocks.

I have to say, in my system, there are no PLCs, no expensive powercords, and every component are powered with Sony supplied powercords plugged direct to the wall.... Reading my system's page you would have also realised that I have also spent quite a tidy sum on PLCs and powercords, but I have chosen to go back to basics, for a few reasons - In comparison with the Sony stock powercords, the more expensive aftermarket powercords had robbed some air, dimension and openness from the music. All these brands of PCs altered the instrument/voices' timre to varying degress, which makes the system differs from neutrality. So the important thing here as always is, while most changes sound refreshing, not all may be more truthful. Some improvements may have side effects. We should be aware of the adverse side effects that come with such products.

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Topic - wonderful sound of vinyl - red carerra 12:54:57 06/7/04 ( 24)