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Vinyl Asylum: Re: Thanks! Now onto the Cart by Rob Doorack

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Re: Thanks! Now onto the Cart

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Given your musical tastes I think the $325 Dynavector 10X4 Mk. 2 high output moving coil would make you very happy. I spent some time with a 1400 / RB-300 / 10X4 recently and the combination rocks. It has good pace and timing, excellent soundstaging, and (down to the lower limit of my Neat Petite 3s) satisfyingly tight, well defined bass. If you're willing to void your warranty the 10X4's body can be easily removed; I'm told this makes a dramatic improvement. The Clearaudio Aurum Beta S that someone mentioned has somewhat better bass (more leading edge "slam") but isn't as transparent as the 10X4 and costs 1/3 more anyway.

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Topic - Thanks! Now onto the Cart - Wayne 20:05:19 08/24/99 ( 8)