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Vinyl Asylum: A substantial improvement or just different? by Goyescas

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A substantial improvement or just different?

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Have you had the opportunity to hear the Shelter 501/901's? The 901 may require a couple of months more on the bean and rice diet, but if you paired that with the step-up, assuming that you keep the Wright, well, then it may be your ticket off the plane ride to the land of better cartridges.

You are looking for better resolution, extended highs and better dynamics. You would get all of this and in that order. You will also get better separation.

Before you do I would urge you to hear the Grado Reference Statement, low output version. This is priced between the two Shelters, but is best loaded 10k or higher. I do not make this recommendation lightly - it is the best value in the higher-end Grado's. And if you are unable to borrow a demo from a dealer, a 20% discount from list is the norm.

Anything else I've heard save the $2k and up crowd is, really, a more interesting cartridge in some respects, but less balanced overall.

If there is any possible way to hear both on your Morch arm you will know right off which you prefer. I could live with either of these cartridges, the Grado leaning just shy of neutral toward the "ah" scale of cartridges, the Shelter conversely just toward the "wow" side of neutral.

I also run a Scheu/Benz cartridge (Morch UP-4), which I think are still available. These are made for Scheu by Benz, and while I have not heard the latest versions, everybody who has heard mine finds it just as I have described the Shelter above. No objections. Seek it out, you may save some cash if you negotiate a good deal with the importer (Hart of Audio Advancements in NJ in the US), or if you work directly with Chris Feickert of Scheu (in Germany).

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