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Vintage Asylum: Re: Beating That Sonic Conundrum by FRG7SWL

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Re: Beating That Sonic Conundrum

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Tadlo, perhaps vintage gears' greatest sonic virtue is a heavenly harmonic quality which, for whatever reason, can't be replicated by today's topologies! Have modded that Marantz MR-235's amp section to where its' direct-coupled lateral mosfets deliver a midrange clarity which this guitar afficiando finds addictive-n-enticing-n-hypnotic! That the bass-n-treble regions have a pleasant polyphonic presentation is an added aural benefit! Only other unit which came close to being as sonically satisfying to these jaded printer's ears was a Marantz 2226B(another lateral mosfet topology). Bold Eagle mentioned component synergy, & so it has been with this hipster's system. Have taken a Logical Systems 318 Silencer(hiss filter; constructed during 1980 World Series) & Carver TX1-11 Asymmetrical Charge Coupled F.M. Decoder(f.m. hiss filter, purchased in 1983) out of the stereo system loop over the last year, only to return them to their place of position. That Logical Systems 318 Silencer basically masks all them high frequency nasties above 1.5khz which permeates that electron signal flow. The original RCA jacks lost contact; so they were removed & replaced with direct-wired Ratio Shaq Monster Cable. As Todd Krieger pointed out, there'se a lot more r.f. interference than in years past, so that Carver TX1-11 is even more valuable than back-n-da-day. Relative locals like U.C. Davis' KDVS & Nevada City's KVMR are continually static laden & badly in need of this Carver unit's signal scrubbing. Joe Gorin's Symmetric Sound Systems' Pulse Swallower-1 not only provides vinyl clean-up, it adds R.I.A.A. equalization to digital playback as well(Bob Carver used phono eq in one of his cd players). Without those vintage ancilliary audio units, however, no amp provides an ultimately pleasing performance. Another aspect to consider, Tadlo, is whether you listen mostly to modern music(a great Be Bop DeLuxe song, b.t.w.)or vintage classics. Have noticed how different they sound on both KDVS/KVMR broadcasts(it's harder to differentiate sonic quality on commercial outlets above 92mhz, due to heavier use of compression)& cd playback. If you prefer modern fare, stay with modern ware! One area where auld combines with new for a truly euphonic flavour, however, is using modern speakers in those auld wooden cabinets. Bold Eagle might consider this heresy(of the non-Klipsch kind), but them cabinets sound a bit more organic when you remove that stuffing & let them cabs breathe-n-resonate!

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  Kimber Kable  

Topic - vintage v contemporary high end amp - Tadlo 08:28:34 08/3/05 ( 21)