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Tweakers' Asylum: Re: We have a reasonable acoustic explanation. by KlausR.

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Re: We have a reasonable acoustic explanation.

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No we don't!

Objects of that size are virtually "invisible" to bass frequencies, so forget about bass reverberation time and standing waves.

Those cups resonate at 6, 15, 19, 20, 30 kHz. Forget about the last three, at age 30 you have already lost the upper part of the audible range.

At 6 and 15 kHz, maybe there is an effect. But, there is masking (within critical bands, upward). At 6 and 15 kHz there's plenty of harmonics which will perfectly mask everything that the cups might produce, unless the cups are able to actually amplify (by about 10 dB).

If those cups did use known effects (acoustic and psychoacoustic) Mr. Tchang would know about it. I did not get the impression from my email exchange that he does.

Yes, many object in listening rooms will resonate, but does it matter? As long as amplitudes are low enough, masking will do its job and nothing will happen.


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Topic - Acoustic System Resonators - follow-up - KlausR. 23:23:28 11/17/06 ( 40)