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Tweakers' Asylum: Re: Build A Shakti Holograph...well, sort of by Tinman

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Re: Build A Shakti Holograph...well, sort of

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Dear Analogon,

#1 This isn't my device.
#2 I've pretty much stated my position as much as resonating shapes and materials in the last post.
#3 I've been building speakers for 38 years, and I must admit that I DO have a fairly good idea of how things work. You're absolutely right about resonance of various materials, but it still doesn't explain why the things work. You're also correct in stating that I haven't compared it to the Shakti side-by-side. This is a given. But the device is doing everything that it's supposed to do! I can't here any manipulation of the frequency response of my PipeDreams. When you can improve the ambient field of the PipeDreams, you're really saying something.
#4 I think it's pretty obvious from my experiments (to me anyway) that the shape is the overriding design.
#5 I apologize for being unfair to dismiss the development that went into their product, but it's like a boat. Without the hull to make it float(the swerving pieces of wood), who really cares about the cushions inside?
#6 I have been toying with making a minor announcement about the first revolutionary improvement in woofer design in the last 80 years. I am looking for a patent lawyer as we speak. It will become painfully obvious in the next couple of years that I'm not some jerk that fell off the apple cart. You will be able to measure diaphram excursion in feet, not inches, with perfect transient response. This device will outperform any known subwoofer device on the planet. No equalization, relatively compact, and bigger systems will be able to produce responses down to 2 Hz FLAT. Sounds like science fiction? Well it's here, and it's mine!
#7 This is for the rest of you. If you don't mind spending 2 or 3 hours in the shop and building something that is truly amazing for next to nothing, build these. Make them out of anything you want. I get the impression that if they were made out of resonating cat crap, they would still sound very good. Not shitty. (pun intended)
#8 Well, I guess I've worn out my welcome. My experience for many years has been to cut through all the crap. You know what I mean. The $10,000 speakers that are nothing more than a decently braced box with good drivers and crossover components. I have known many manufacturers personally, and when you find out what the markup is on their products and what the actual research is, they make Enron look like Santa Claus. I'm not saying that they're out to rape you, but I would keep my pants on just the same. Ha Ha Ha. When manufacturers start to come out with truly revolutionary products, such as my sub design, then I'll start to respect them the way they demand respect now. I BUILT my PipeDreams, and yes, they are BETTER than the original product. My own constrained layer damping material, which is fluid and resistive in its matrix, makes the speaker superior. I am purposely trying to be vague, BTW. I may market this. And BTW, it cost me a whopping $4683.63 to build the BIG PipeDreams.

So there you have it. I'm sure there are people out there that are saying, "This guy is full of it." But there's something I always say, "The proof is in the pudding." I will leave the bickering for somebody else. I took valuable time out of my schedule to build the Shakti device. I have bigger fish to fry. Mainly, mechanical drawings for the sub. So I bid you a fond ado and good luck with those Shakti blocks.

- Tinman

P.S. My son, who built the page, etc., is presently looking for an alternative server so that you can visit the images. I'll let you know of the new address ASAP.

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Topic - Build A Shakti Holograph - Tinman 14:49:55 12/9/02 ( 11)