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Tweakers' Asylum: Re: Build A Shakti Holograph...well, sort of by tinman

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Re: Build A Shakti Holograph...well, sort of

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Dear Analagon:

I fully understand what you're saying, but there is one major problem. This device does not touch anything. I have tried using round plastic tubes, I've tried 2 X 4's (pine) and I've also tried maple rectangles. All of these materials produced zero effect. I strongly believe that 99% of what these devices do has to do with the shape and alignment and location.

If certain kinds of materials imparted certain character to the sound of the system, most people would have to be very careful as to what kind of wood they have near their speakers. Example: Left channel has a mahogany chair behind it; the right speaker could have an oak chair and this would throw off the balance in the system? I don't think so and I'll tell you why. When you play the system at extremely low levels or extremely high levels, there is no change in the effect. I could understand if you were producing 130 dB and actually getting those slender pieces of wood to vibrate a little, that maybe a microphone placed right on the wood might make a sound. But to say you're going to hear it over a 130 dB signal just doesn't wash with me. Even the manufacturer doesn't understand why they do what they do, so I guess that leaves me at a loss as well. All I know is that if you take that particular shape and put it where they tell you to put it, it works.


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Topic - Build A Shakti Holograph - Tinman 14:49:55 12/9/02 ( 11)