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Tweakers' Asylum: Re: Build A Shakti Holograph...well, sort of by Analogon

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Re: Build A Shakti Holograph...well, sort of

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I haven't been able to accesss your link, so I can't comment on your DIY project, though it sounds interesting. I would however point out that your comment of MDF "seems to work just fine" is rather vague.

I'm sure one could question whether the Shakti version is worth spending $1000 on, but MDF is no substitute for the wood they are using, or the lack of the resonating chambers. I'm sure your MDF project does resonate at certain frequencies, but they won't be the same as the Shakti device.

VanEvers has done a lot of experimentation with the resonant frequencies of various hardwoods and they all emphasize/deemphasize a different range of frequencies. He even has a similar device called the Spatial Lens and Window System. The Shakti device appears to be using Ebony on the top of the panels and possibly mahogany on the bottom (It's hard to tell from the photo, since there are a few woods in that color range).

The following is taken from the VansEvers site:

Ebony: This is an African hardwood. Some of the darkest black varieties (Gaboon) are almost unobtainable (in large quantities) today. Its emphasis range is in the upper treble and top octave. (Gaboon ebony: Diospyros mespiliformis)

Mahogany: This wood is imported from many different countries, and even continents, as there are some 40 species. The darker (denser) varieties enhance the lower mids and the upper mids. The sound will become warmer with more midrange presence. There is also a lack of support from the mid treble up. The lighter varieties shift the enhancement up, and sound less "lumpy"; the highs are not quite as extended as zebra's. (Mahogany dust can be toxic.)

MDF: Medium Density Fiberboard. This is a manufactured material made from fine sawdust. The MDF at our disposal absorbed lower treble and upper midrange energy . This makes the treble sound thin even though it is not accentuated. There is also a slight emphasis in the lower midrange. (Formaldehyde is used in MDF's manufacture; cutting and sanding MDF will liberate this pungent gas.)

I have experimented with wood blocks of these two hardwoods myself and agree with the Vansevers descriptions of their resonant frequencies. As you can see, a device made of MDF will sound very different than one made of these type of wood. The Shakti device also varies the lengths of the two woods on the 3 panels which would alter the frequency ranges even more.

What you have built may indeed offer some type of resonating reinforcement at certain frequencies, but they won't be the same as the Shakti Holograph. If you really want to get serious, I suggest you try experimenting with the real hardwoods themselves. I think you'll find that it will sound quite different for your MDF device.

Have fun tweaking :)

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Topic - Build A Shakti Holograph - Tinman 14:49:55 12/9/02 ( 11)