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Tweakers' Asylum: Re: UBYTE-2 Cables by Michael Amster

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Re: UBYTE-2 Cables

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I bought the foil tape at the link below. It is the cheapest place for it. I got two 8ft. cables out of one order, but it was close. You may want to order two sets of foil.

I did cover the cable in polyolefin heatshrink from Heatshrink.com. I used the B2 in red and black and then used techflex to cover both.

I wrote up my UBYTE-2 experience here: http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/tweaks/messages/48755.html

What I want to know is what the new Thorsten ICs look like. I have been building X1.5 since they are easy and good - kick butt over all the stranded cable ICs I have heard.

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Topic - UBYTE-2 Cables - Malcolm 17:53:37 02/22/02 ( 15)