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Tubes Asylum: Furthur...the part number means little. 6DJ8 vs 7308, 6550 vs KT88, etc by Kevin Deal

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Furthur...the part number means little. 6DJ8 vs 7308, 6550 vs KT88, etc

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Because what counts is the quality of that tube made by that company, your product and how hard it runs said tubes, and your personal likes.

But first let me say most every Valvo ECC88 for sale that I see around is nothing more than a Tesla. Nothing wrong with the tube.....but it's not a Valvo.

If we "went by the book" an SED KT88 or Ei KT90 would be sturdier in an ARC VT100 or Sonic Frontiers Power 3 monos. But in fact the SED 6550C is safest by far. I've done a jillion of em.

In an Audible Illusions Mod 3A...the true test for a 6DJ8....a Telefunken 6DJ8 will outlast a Philips ECG 7308. But most anything will work fine in a X-10 buffer...because it does not AMPLIFY.

It has a different job. Which is fine too. Tubes are used in different ways in many many designs. No mysteries....nothing to scare off new peeps. Just tell people what the piece of gear is and what you seek.

Joe's Tube Lore is neat and all but shouldn't even be up there. It is incomplete for the novice to understand.

Another thing.....tubes will sound different with age...so there are no "truisms" but have a hoot with it....it's a blast

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Topic - Valvo ECC88 & Amperex 7308 - Snegrah 20:56:53 07/16/06 ( 19)