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Tubes Asylum: The 6DJ8 is difficult but choices can be made easier by Bambi B

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The 6DJ8 is difficult but choices can be made easier

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Yes, for some reason the 6DJ8 tubes seem to take a lot of study and attention. In the past I've thought of selling the SP10 and going back to the 12AX7 SP8, only because the tube situation seemed disproportinate in time and cost.

For your Musical Fidelity X10D- sorry, is that the headphone amplifier?- I'd see what the tubes do- which are important to the sound- and then contact a good dealer like our friends Jim McShane or Kevin Deal. Let them recommend and send you the right things- all selected and tested. If I'd done that years ago, I'd have saved months of agony and many $XXX.

In the case of preamp 6DJ8s, there may be lead tubes that have more impact on the sound- you might need only one or two- (depending on the circuit) really nice- sounding NOS ones and the ones futher down the line can be ordinary new production. In the SP10, I use only 4 of the best 7308s- in the first two positions of the phono and first two of the line stage. The rest are lesser tubes- mostly Sovteks in my case.


bambi B

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