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Tubes Asylum: Re: The 6DJ8 family by Bambi B

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Re: The 6DJ8 family

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Doc B.,

I'm not parroting Joe Rosen regarding the sonics of the 6DJ8 family. I use 17 in my 12 pieces of tube gear, have about 90 NOS of these types and have tried multiple versions of 6DJ8, 6922, and 7308.

I've tried:

6DJ8: [use: 4, 2, 8, 3]

Philips Miniwatt E188CC- Holland- NOS
Philips SQ E188CC- Holland -NOS- VR9
Valvo E188CC- Germany- NOS
Mullard E188CC- GB- NOS
Amperex CEP E188CC- US- NOS
Amperex Globe-ECC88 A frame-NOS
Siemens E188CC-Germany- Used
Siemens E88CC- NOS
RAM- ECC88 SA low noise Ampx A frame-NEW
RAM - A std- Ampx - A frm- NEW
RAM -AA std- Ampx A frm -NEW
Amperex White Logo ECC88 USED
Amperex Orange Globe ECC88 USED
Harma 6922- 6H23n-EB- NOS
Russian unbranded 6H23n-EB NOS
Russian unbranded 6H23n -NOS
Amperex Bugle Boy ECC88-USED

-It has been my personal experience over 20 years- this is all in Audio Research SP10, SP8, D115- that the 6DJ8 is always more open and dynamic with a better soundstage than the same make 6922 or 7308. There are tradeoffs in some areas- the Siemens E88CC has the great bass. The 6DJ8 is also the most microphonic by far too ! However from a sonic stanpoint, if I had to name the best of the family it would be the older white labelled Amperex Holland 6DJ8, followed by the Bugle Boy, then the mid 60's Siemens E88CC (6922).

My main concern for our friend new to the type is that they have to first determine which type will survive in their equipment, then consider the sonics. And I believe Rosen's primer can help someone narrow down likely possibilities- it's a shortcut that will lead to fewer expensive experiments- like the probable $500-600 I spent buying 30 6DJ8s for sound before discovering the SP10 eats them in 10-100 hours. Anyway a lot of Rosen's favourites are unobtainable or $XXX! and our friend will have to choose from the more ordinary ones. I do agree completely with your final line, "Use it [Rosen's guide] to expand your horizons rather than to narrow them."


Bambi B

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Topic - Valvo ECC88 & Amperex 7308 - Snegrah 20:56:53 07/16/06 ( 19)