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Tubes Asylum: Re: The 6DJ8 family by Doc B.

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Re: The 6DJ8 family

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"It's worthwhile to remember the 6DJ8 is usually thought to be the best sounding of the family."

By Joe. Not necessarily by others. Please note that he emphasizes this point himself. One must be careful to help a newb keep an open mind. For an example of differing opinion, the 7308/E188CC has been king in pro audio circles for years, where it is used in some pretty famous preamps. I admit to being inclined the same way, and I have listened to most of what Joe has, save for the elusive CCa. Other folks like other tubes, and their opinion carries the same weight.

Tubes are like wine - you not only have to choose your favorite wines by trying them, you also have to pick a reviewer with the same taste as you. Joe's page is a wonderful survey, and a great labor of love. Use it to expand your horizons rather than to narrow them.

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Topic - Valvo ECC88 & Amperex 7308 - Snegrah 20:56:53 07/16/06 ( 19)