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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: How to design a passive single-network RIAA (two tubes) by Paul D. Scearce

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Re: How to design a passive single-network RIAA (two tubes)

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Great post!

J. L. Hood's book 'The Art of Linear Electronics' gives equations for the relative values of the components but it assumes ideal dc coupled op-amps. It is nice to see some real world guidelines that give a practical range of component values and account for actual output and input impedances of the active devices.

Some day I'd like to figure out how to include the grid resistor in the calculation. In the mean time I'll follow your advice to keep it as large as possible.


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Topic - How to design a passive single-network RIAA (two tubes) - Kurt Strain 20:40:10 03/24/02 ( 21)