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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: It's fixed now! by Thorsten

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Re: It's fixed now!

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> Okay, Thorsten, now what do you think?

I have a surprisingly similar drawing (and associated models) in my P-Spice, only difference is the 417A in the output.

> I'm going to have to sit before thinking about a new step-up
> transformer or tubes. I'm out of spending money for now.

I know the feeling.... Very well. I just bought another 50pcs 2nd hand records. So only enough cash left to make a EAR 834P copy for now to keep me playing those LP's I bought. No fancy phonostages for me for a while.

Ciao T

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Topic - My latest phono revision unveiled - Kurt Strain 18:01:43 02/28/02 ( 0)