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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Looking for a GOOD 211 / VT4-C Schematic by Jim Doyle

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Re: Looking for a GOOD 211 / VT4-C Schematic

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Given your 104dB/1W/SPL speakers, I see no reason why you need to get
into the proposed kiloVolt range of operation with a 211. I run an 845 at
450V into 91dB efficient speakers and get a very satisfying listening
experience, you could do the same with the 211.

Lower voltage operation all around lowers the cost of building this amplifier
because lower voltage parts are more easy to find.

I might be wrong making this statement but here goes: I'd conjecture the
reason why you see higher-voltage, higher-powered 845/211 commercial
amps is so that they can be mated easily to far less efficient but more
popular high end speakers such as the B&W Nautilii, the 801s, Martin Logans
et cetera et cetera. So unless you have such savage drive needs, maybe you
should shy away from the high-voltage design point that these products run at...

The design I've roughed up sounds pretty darn good... You can certainly
upgrade the output transformer, and you can use different drivers - the
6C45, 5842WA are all options. It's going to be harder to get more than
4-5W out of my design because getting more power means swinging the grid
of the 845 over 100V. Tough to do with two stage amp *and* 2V sensitivity.
Pretty much have to go to three stages to get more - and you add more circuit

-- Jim

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Topic - Looking for a GOOD 211 / VT4-C Schematic - Super_BQ 23:47:58 07/17/03 ( 22)