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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Looking for a GOOD 211 / VT4-C Schematic by mrfixit

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Re: Looking for a GOOD 211 / VT4-C Schematic

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Paul helped me get mine going as well - go to the link and take a quick look, and do a search on my handle here and some of the links will have schematic links to my circuits as well as links to the original schematics that inspired this insanity.
Or, you can go here - http://www.lunarnetbbs.org/audio/myprojects/myprojects.htm
It's my web page that is still under construction, but it too has some schems.

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Topic - Looking for a GOOD 211 / VT4-C Schematic - Super_BQ 23:47:58 07/17/03 ( 22)