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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: How will *your* amp do in *my* house? by MQracing

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Re: How will *your* amp do in *my* house?

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dave s. wrote:

::::attempting to put some sort of standards as you are into the DIY arena is indeed comical in my opinion, why should i compromise my design just so you can build it???::::

two quick points;

1) folks on this board often "recommend" their own sweetheart strategies... tell folks to do x because it will make an amp moreso linear and have less distortion. Though this would seem to me to contradict your statement as printed above.

Isn't "greater linearity and less distortion" itself a *sort of standard* that you now suggest is inappropiate?

2) did I miss something? where did Joelt ask you or anyone else for a compromise in YOUR design or suggest that you had to build what he might be interested in building? did I miss that part?

let's be fair here,


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