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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: oh brother... by MQracing

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Re: oh brother...

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joelt wrote;

> > > > Why is it that when anyone disagrees with you, they are "pissing" or "agruing for the sake of argument", or "contentious"? How great - nobody is allowed to disagree with a single statement of yours! < < <

to bee honest I came away with the same feeling after a "discussion" with dc.

seems like a privileged few can make recommendations and prophecies and prescriptions... such as "ratio up to 10K because it will be more linear and have less distortion".... and if they are questioned on this point or someone posts some opposite viewpoints... then the person who posted the alternative point-of-view is chided and berated....

not pleasant and not productive. we cannot have two sets of rules and have only one party annoit themselves as the arbiter of what gets posted or what doesn't.

Your questions and points are at least valid... and perhaps a bit challenging for some. You've not raised your voice, belittled andyone or called any a schoolyard names... yet you've absorbed some of this childish insults by others.

I've spoken my peace now,


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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)