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Tube DIY Asylum: oh brother is right! by Dave Cigna

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oh brother is right!

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"Can you point to one statement I've made in this whole thread that is rude or abusive?? "

Can you point to one statement where I said you were rude or abrasive? What I said was that I'd like to think we can all express ourselves as long as we're not rude or abrasive. Not everything's about you, Joel, :)

"Why is it that when anyone disagrees with you, they are "pissing" or "agruing for the sake of argument", or "contentious"? How great - nobody is allowed to disagree with a single statement of yours!"

That's not true. I welcome controversy as long as it leads somewhere. On the other hand (for example), demanding that I prove that I can design a gain stage with such-and-such a specification or else you'll conclude that I'm full of it... that's just pissing by my definition. Not only did I never claim I could make such a thing, I never even claimed that I care! That's why I don't respond to that sort of thing in the first place.

Instead of reading my post carefully (which was VERY short and to the point) you skimmed it and and concluded it was some sort of claim that my dick is bigger than yours. It was no such thing, go back and look.

"It's funny really - your posts are all long winded technical treatises about magnetic fields, distortion, harmonics, AC saturation, etc. "

You're definitely thinking of someone else!

"And you making the case that my "philosophy" stifles creativity here is UTTER NONSENSE."

My mistake. When you state that nobody should make any amps that don't meet your specifications of sensitivity, etc.... I guess I just got the wrong idea. I'll try harder to understand you from now on.

-- Dave Cigna

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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)