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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: rated power ... and CD players by Dave Cigna

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Re: rated power ... and CD players

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Hi Joel,

I really don't want all this contention about everything. I guess it just rubs my fur the wrong way when anyone attempts to impose their particular design philosophies on others. What makes this whole business work for us is that we can each be creative, and then share our experiences openly.

If people get 'corrected' everytime they try something new, they're not going to stop trying new things, they're just going to stop talking about it here.

"the average cd player,"

This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Why should I design for the average cd player? I design for my cd player, or my line stage, or whatever. I'm not making plug-n-play commercial components, I'm making things that fit into my system in my living room. And, since my system is constantly changing, it makes no sense to even try to define minimum requirements.

If you want to design to industry standards (whatever they are) that's fine with me. I have no desire at all to impede you. Just don't be upset if I, and others, don't make that a priority for ourselves.

"So, I already asked Dave Cigna this question Paul, and got no answer..."

If I thought you were honestly interested in my help then I would have been thrilled to offer it. But, that's not what it was about; it was about pissing.

I'm just repeating myself now, but I think it's worth repeating: I'm not interested in conflict (though there's nothing wrong with productive controversy!) I suppose I was just annoyed by the suggestion that somebody else's system was substandard because it wouldn't work up to *your* expectations in *your* living room. I'm sorry if that seems confontational to you. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I like to think of this place as a democracy of sorts. I like to think of it as a place where we can all express ourselves as long as we're not rude and abusive.

-- Dave Cigna

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