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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: How will *your* amp do in *my* house? by dave slagle

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Re: How will *your* amp do in *my* house?

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actually i could really care less how my amp does in your house...

who has made that claim???? avoid the confusion and ask if one stage can deliver a voltage gain of 95 into a 2A3 and you will get few takers...

people have said one stage can drive a 2A3 and that cannot be debated, its only when you inserted your rules that the 95V gain became an issue, and that was done after the fact... robert made no mention of anything, and why does he have ot play by your 1Vp-p rules??? maybe he has a linestage.

even your response to joe, was twisted, i know he was referring to the 417 through a 1:2 to providethe 45V peak with a 1V peak input, you suddenly went and doubled one without doubling the other.

i guess i give peolple more credit than they deserve, and its better for them to understand what they are doing rather than blindly follow.

attempting to put some sort of standards as you are into the DIY arena is indeed comical in my opinion, why should i compromise my design just so you can build it???

(joel) I don't think it's "comical" at all to try to evaluate max power, dist, input sensitivity, etc. Is it?

no not at all, but to attempt to evauate them without all the rest just gives you pointless numbers to argue about and impress your friends with.

and how did you measure the Z-out of your CD player... sure seems high...


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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)