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Tube DIY Asylum: How will *your* amp do in *my* house? by Joelt

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How will *your* amp do in *my* house?

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> > nobody will debate that a voltage gain of 95 will not happen with one stage> >

Actually there seem to be a few people here willing to make that argument Dave!
Anyway, I was "defining" a minimum cd output for the sake of my design example. As I said, it only makes sense to me to assume you will get the *minimum* voltage out of a component, rather than the maximum. And since this is a place where we share design ideas, and where people often build each other's amps, I don't think it's "comical" at all to try to evaluate max power, dist, input sensitivity, etc. Is it?

(ps. I measured the Zo of my sony CD player, and it's 1050 ohms. Just thought people might find that interesting.)

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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)