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Tube DIY Asylum: still doesn't work by Joelt

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still doesn't work

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> > The 417A biased at 6V with 1:2 step-up input trafo will smoke out any two stage driver section for sure.> >

Are you sure Joe? Step up transformers aren't known for their low distortion. Let's look at the 417A: "typical operation" is Eb 150v, Ib 26mA, and Ec -1.6v, mu 43...
Assuming we can find a step up interstage that can handle 26mA of dc, we get a 43v pk-pk swing out of the 417a, stepped up to 86v. We're still under our target of 94v pk-pk, and we've swung our driver tube's grid through 62% of its bias... not good.


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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)