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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: rated power ... and CD players by Joelt

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Re: rated power ... and CD players

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> > Well, since the average CD player puts out 2vRMS full scale> >

Hi Paul,

This has been discussed a bunch of times before, but here goes again: the average cd player, with the average commercial music cd, does not output 2vRMS. Sorry, just doesn't happen. So, I'd say designing for that eventuality is silly. But we can reasonably design for the minimum that we think a cd will deliver - and that, as I said is .5v peak, IMO. I may be off by a little bit on that, sure, but at least I know I'll never come up short if using this figure as a basis.

So, on to the "overdvie capability" you were referrring to. Who is suggesting that a successful amp is one that runs in saturation?!
Again, several of you are confusing "loudness" with voltage headroom, and gain. The "loudness" of an amp should be due to its power output - not the gain of its preamp stages.
The amp must deliver it's rated power level into a load within its rated distortion level. If you want to argue about what that THD level should be, ok, but in my opinion and the opinion of most audio designers of this and the last century - that number is <1% (and usually *well* under).

So, I already asked Dave Cigna this question Paul, and got no answer, so now I'll ask you - can you show us a single tube stage that can take a 1v pk-pk signal (our defined minimum from cd output), and deliver 95v pk-pk, under 1% distortion?


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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)