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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Why not ??? by AudioGenesis

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Re: Why not ???

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Whoa.. this really blew up since I checked it yesterday.

Firstly, I'm not building any for anyone else. Sorry, my days of building for others are over.

Secondly, why this talk about distortion? Sure, I can't drive the amp to full power with a piddly little 1V p-p signal, but many sources output more than this - and hey - how about using a pre-amp? We're not talking much gain required here.

I can't stand amps built for very high input voltage sensitivity - besides the noise problems, the fact you hav ethe volume control at 9 o'clock means the designer either fundamentally misunderstands required gain, mistakenly thinks everyone listens at deafening volumes, or we all run 1970s speakers with sensitivities under 80dB/W/m.

I'm very happy with the ECC99 single gain stage. It's a great sounding tube, better than the 417A I tried previously. Other great under-rated high gain tubes I've found include the 5670, and triode-wired pentodes like the E810F/7788. I prefer them to alternatives like the 417A and modern Russian tubes like the 6C45pi.

Anyway, to each his own. I'm just happy with my new amp, all for me :)

Robert Ang
AudioGenesis http://www.audio-genesis.com

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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)