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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: One stage is not enough. by MQracing

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Re: One stage is not enough.

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joelt wrote:

> > > > There's no sense in using low distortion triodes in your output stage and then using a driver stage with 6% 2ndH. < < < <

an integrated "whole design" approach... who would have ever thought?

> > > > You should never require any stage in an amp to swing its full bias. The lower the swing required, the more linear the operation. Hence why "high gain" is not a bad thing at all. Most amps don't have enough gain! Low mu tubes are great for driving transformers, lousy for swinging lots of volts linearly. < < < <

aw. jeez. and I was thinkin' low and hot!

but seriously, you make some excellent points. Instead of the fashion of high current (remember your driving the grid of a succeeding tube) I too would focus on let's get some "linear voltage" swing out of the driving stage and design in some voltage headroom...

and like you said in your post... I too would choke load or C4s or use some other strategies to provide stable load impedances to the driver tubes....

I know that the point you make about keeping the swing low... analagously, it is one of the tricks (in my humble opinion) to making output tranneys that sound good... i.e., give them a ton of AC headroom and in conventional airgapped designs... keep the AC flux just the breadth of a hair up and down from the dc bias point.... it works.... you get lower distortion as you suggest.

good post Joe,


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Topic - Input/driver for 2A3 parafeed - Tubefever 09:05:39 11/17/03 ( 57)