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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: LCR Schematic by Thorsten

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Re: LCR Schematic

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Be aware that if you build a RIAA exactly according to the schematic it may not be as accurate as you wish.

As I was pulled in in getting the S&B RIAA Modules to work well I know what is involved. Each S&B RIAA actually has the individual inductors trimmed accuratly in circuit using a Lindos computereised testset (which has the RIAA curve build in and thus gives quick and accurate feedback) and in order to get chokes that kept their inductance sufficiently equal from well below 20Hz to well above 20KHz quite a bit of work was needed.

There is a french website (http://preyale.melaudia.net/lcr600riaa.php) that has instruction on winding your own inductors, have fun, but given the performance of their homegrown autoformer volume control I would suggest to limit expectations.

Ciao T

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Topic - Latest version of my 7788/7721 LCR 600Ohm RIAA Stage - Thorsten 15:11:26 10/2/05 ( 23)