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Tube DIY Asylum: Hi Antonio.. by C.Y

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Hi Antonio..

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Nice to hear from the one who tried the same thing.
I saw your two schematics at diyaudio.com, one with tube bias for 6C45 and the other with battery biased. When I was considering a two stage Chimera like 300B a friend of mine showed me your schematics.
I was thinking of EC8010 at that time.

Yes I am also concerned about the quality of local made plate choke of 6C45. I tried active load (DN2540 CCS) with a switch to compare plate choke and CCS. Both has its own charm and I am enjoying it with plate choke now.

I tried to use a pot to adjust the bias. The pot was used after the first rectifier, so the B+ voltage can vary and change the current through plate choke and thus changing the 300 bias. I suceeded in removing the pot by trying different rectifiers and slightly different choke DCR. Now in the morning and at night the current of 300B is around 67ma maybe within 3% throughout the day.

But I think Jeff point is valid and good chokes and pwer tranny sure will make a different, but I am just a hobby DIYer and am exhausted already..

I think a 45 SE of this topology could be very nice..maybe some day.



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Topic - a Chimera like 2 stage 300B SET circuit - C.Y 21:20:15 03/20/06 ( 5)