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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Partial slew rate distortion by Ken Gilbert

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Re: Partial slew rate distortion

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thank you for the very detailed and thought-provoking post, lynn.

i appreciate your comments and am re-thinking my own views on SRL and distortion; i think your point about greater and greater proportions of the signal current being "used up" so to speak by the reactive load impedance is very salient.

even though below the SRL we don't have a situation where the tube is running out of current (as in zero left to give), we DO have the situation where even if the plate is loaded by a perfect CCS the downstream load is causing drastic current swings, which will of course affect the stage's linearity--at least this is how i interpreted the main jist of your post. as the current swings drawn by the load are increased, the beautifully flat horizontal AC loadline of the tube and CCS alone gets tilted more and more vertically, venturing down into the curved portions of the curves and adding THD.

along those lines :) your other points about the PP driver to PP output through IT are very keen as well--PP class A is the best point/topology we've got to contend with reactive loads (wide current/voltage swings), and indeed the output grids (especially of triodes) can be quite reactive, especially as we push the HF -3dB limits out to 50, 100, or even 200kHz in search of maximal flatness in the audio passband.

again, thanks for taking the time to respond. i will most likely be updating my website with a few of these caveats! :)


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Topic - Confessions of a plate choke convert & a few CCS questions (long) - Doug Flynn 02:41:03 06/3/02 ( 25)