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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Confessions of a plate choke convert & a few CCS questions (long) by AnandR

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Re: Confessions of a plate choke convert & a few CCS questions (long)

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Remember all current sources aren't the same. The C4S, Gary's PMCCS, and other current sources are all different from each other sonically. So just because they might use silicon has really no relevance to how good/bad they can sound. Its all in the design and implementation of the current source. FWIW, Gary did do considerable comparisons between his PMCCS and choke loads. I think if you search the Tube DIY asylum you'll find some of his results. This is research at its best! And new ideas as well!


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Topic - Confessions of a plate choke convert & a few CCS questions (long) - Doug Flynn 02:41:03 06/3/02 ( 25)