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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Confessions of a plate choke convert & a few CCS questions (long) by 7N7

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Re: Confessions of a plate choke convert & a few CCS questions (long)

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Years ago I tried using triode-strapped 6V6 as drivers. They were very poor - I was using them to drive the 813s.

The reason for your graininess is that the anode load was far too small - especially as you were hoping to drive a 300B - and presumably swing perhaps 140v on the 6V6. Distortion with a 5k anode load would be enormous. The choke has provided you with a higher voltage on the anode; you can therefore swing more volts.

You would probably get better results still were you to use a solid state load (preferably a cascode. This would give you an anode load of perhaps 2 megohms and therefore an effectively horizontal load line. Additionally, with careful design the anode load would not be as frequency-sensitive as the choke.

Instead of the 6V6, you might wish to try 6AH4, an octal-based single triode.


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Topic - Confessions of a plate choke convert & a few CCS questions (long) - Doug Flynn 02:41:03 06/3/02 ( 25)