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Tube DIY Asylum: Summing up the first..... by Thorsten

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Summing up the first.....

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Hi all,

The first interresting thing here are operating points. I was goiing to use the RCA Databook 425V/18mA/-39V/10k one (BTW, my speakers are 12 Ohm anyway). It seems people like 380..390V/30mA better, that was definitly worth it.

The reson for me trying to get away with a single dual Triode Driver is primarily esthetic. It's rather too "industrial" appearance aside I liked the general layput of the Decware Zen and thought to replicate it here....

I'll probably do self bias with a shared cathode resistor so I can use an easy to get inexpensive Mains TX which has only one 6.3V Winding (supplying an indirectly heated EZ81 Rectifier, the Driver and after rectification and pasisve filtering the Output Valves).

But I also just might use the 10Y's as Drivers for 45's and the transformers as chokes.... Nice project by Jim de Kort linked below....

Ciao T

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Topic - Best Driver Stage for a 10/10Y - Thorsten 09:58:12 11/5/01 ( 21)