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Tube DIY Asylum: Re: Best Driver Stage for a 10/10Y by ALL DHT

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Re: Best Driver Stage for a 10/10Y

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I have been playing with 801/10/10y&75th allot as drivers for a 2A3 amp I IM building for terry Cain. I have tried Electra print 1to1
Interstage the tone was great but the attack was sort of cut off sounded soft in highs the lows were nice that is with 801&75th the 10Y had more upper mids allot like the 801 just a little different the globe 10 had the most mid range for some stuff it was nice but never sounded balanced to me.
Before all that was cap coupled with a plate resistor Jensen paper copper and oil ,22 cap with lead acid battery bias, all the couple configuration were done with merc vapor rec PS low dcr chokes and oil caps & choke input and a PS for ever stage with lead acid batteries biasing .
The cap couple sound really nice but highs and mid always had the same attack like the guitar will have a the same aggressive sound that the cymbals had I have found that is how caps sound they always sow nice and balanced all tube had allot of the same qualities as above but the caps don't have that good tone like Trans do.
Then came parafeed coupled I IM still play with that but can't get the bass I want detail is great I IM using a 5k to 5k with 100H plate choke 4MFD plate cap but something is going on fun with it, but sounds promising best to OK 801 then 75th then 10y the 10 was way to much mids for the lack of bass .
The best config is the 100H plate choke to .22 oil with a grid choke to the grid to the 2A3.
The sound is a mix between the two it has better tone then just cap coupled it has the best high end and thing take on there own attack and tone better then straight cap coupled it has no draw back to the straight cap.
Compared to the Trans still the tone is not as tone but I think that has to do with it has better attack the tran coupled it has the widest band with of them all and the detail is like the parafeed but with the bass I thing parafeed sounds allot like this config & the stuff fits in to places nicely to I thing this is the way to go.

I would only use DHT for the pureness of the mids and how they render stuff the 801 the one I would go with for a driver, 75th FOR LOOKS AND SOUND + it plays straight of the CD play with all the gain you need .

The set up right now is 801/10/10y preamp with merc vapor PS oils low DCR chokes it has parafeed nickel output 100H plate choke 3 MFD output cap battery bias.
Thought the same thing as above. After the nickel went in I will never go back so much detail great bass sound all around better then an thing else I have build.

Power amp 801/10Y-driver .22 oil +100H plate choke+grid choke
Then to 2A3 battery bias with EP output all stages have there own PS merc vapor 816 /83.
It was allot of fun I thing I have what terry Cain will end up with now it sounds really nice.

sorry if it is poorly wrought but i thing you will get the idea.

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Topic - Best Driver Stage for a 10/10Y - Thorsten 09:58:12 11/5/01 ( 21)