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Speaker Asylum: Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. by machani

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Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please..

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Great to have you and Nathan, the two Quad L series 'gurus', responding to this thread. Your past posts have been instrumental in my selection of Quad L series to upgrade from my JMLab Chorus 714S.

You are right that the 22L bass driver "moves more air" and also that the 21L has "clean, fast, tight, concise bass" while reaching as low as 22L.

My application for the Quads is for 2 channel, without a subwoofer. Although I would have been very happy with either the 21L or the 22L, now that I have the 22L I'm in love with them. My components are TAD-150 (tube) preamp and Cayin TA-30 (tube) amp. Both are known for excellent sounstaging and imaging. (I am an imaging freak). With the right tubes and capacitors (JJ E34L and Sonicaps) my Cayin amp is also capable of producing deep and articulate bass.

My JMLabs were also able to produce very fast, tight and articulate bass but not move air. But what I like about the 22L is the "live" factor of the air that is moved at the low end. When the speakers are positioned well, the bass is not boomy. It is fast and controlled (but not as tight and concise as my JMLabs).

I listen to a lot of jazz and on certain low bass instruments like tuba, kick drums, bass violin, etc. the 22L is able to produce the oomph that sounds natural and "live". The best part is that with my upstream components I can actually get the sense of direction of the low bass. The 22L's low bass driver seems to be mass loaded very well. It does not not seem resonate the cabinet at all. Just seems to move air in a fast and natural way and sounds right (to my ears).

So I think the 22L is better in 2 channel than HT (with sub), but then again I have a very limited experience compared to you.



C N Machani

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Topic - Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. - machani 20:19:43 04/13/05 ( 23)