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Speaker Asylum: Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. by duckman

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Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please..

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To note: you will not be disappointed in either selection of L series. both are fantastic values, being a value selection does not imply one is settleing on a lower quality item - just a lower priced quality item.

Two way vs. two and one-halfway design and related properties is thediference between the 21L and 22L. there are many different designs, each having characteristics associated. i primarily like fast, accurate, soundstage, possesing depth, clarity, tight accurate bass. many designs have these attributes : dynaudio 52se, dyn contours, joseph rm22, meadowlark, magnepan 1.6 and 3.6, quad 989, dali ms4, vandersteen 2ce and 3, b&W 805 signature and others. i have recommended these to others, depending upon desires. many do not like the quad design of using kevlar for cone material. but, ultimately it is the sound they produce as to why recommend and own the ones i do. i have had personal experience with the quads, magnepan mmg, magnepan 3.6, mb quart, vandersteen 1ce, boston cr (beginning times), meadowlark.

As far as my opinion on the quad 21L and 22L in regard to previous posts of mine. i, like many, love to have the full range sound without compromise. it is expensive. i have the quads in 7.1. mains are 22L, the sides and rear are 21L. the both have many similar positive attributes. i give high praise for the quad L speakers. an affordable price is an added benefit! i could not have afforded other speakers that i liked. thousands of dollars is a lot of money. i originally liked, and still do, the sound of the 22L compared to the 21L. as time went on, the speakers opened up. in the end i like the 21L better. quad gives the 22L an extra driver with a different crossover point, i believe, to present a fuller sound than the 21L. the extra diver in the 22L moves more air, not that the 22L hits lower freq. the extra driver provides extra air movement, that i think "clashes" with the midrange driver air waves. in sense, creating bass that is existing, but altered by the second driver. my muddled perception. this is why i stated, the bass is "very good", not excellent in my judgement for the 22L. i like clean, fast, tight, concise bass, no matter to what level of frquency. this brings me back to the 21L being the favored in performance, especially in two channel listening. i have a servo sub completing the home theater speaker arrangement, tight and fast bass. i am biased, this is the one of the top three home theater set ups i have heard. the best i heard at a local twin cities audio dealer, anchored by mcintosh xrt30 main speakers ($20,000.00plus; 25, yes 25, 1 inch dome tweeters; 30 -4 inch midrange drivers; two 12 inch subwoofers)total speaker cost exceeded $57,000 plus the mcintosh electronics - superb system. unaffordable by me. so, i enjoy my quad set up. i loved it for home theater. superb, at an affordable price.

once again, stating the opening, you will not go wrong with either choice. i am confident you will enjoy either. i would recommend the 21L based upon your indifference to excess bass and desire for two channel listening. the 22l will also work, just with more full sound. albeit, not world class bass "tightness", just "very good"; but it makes me smile when i listen to two channel in the theater room, no reservations. the two are highly recommended.

Your notation of intended use for two channel with no demands for bass would have me suggest the 21L. tight, fast, accurate with soundstaging. articulate. grace. the 22L has the attributes of the 21L, while moving more air with the second driver in its two and one-half way design.

Sounds like you will have the 22L. you will enjoy. let me know what you do and your opinion. i am sure that which ever you purchase, you will be surprised by the amount of quality improvement as you use them. rejudge with same intial listening test after about 500 hours. any way, good luck. plj. let me know.

footnote: hello Nathan, hope schooling is going well.

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Topic - Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. - machani 20:19:43 04/13/05 ( 23)