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Speaker Asylum: The problem is not your amp. by nathan_klassen

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The problem is not your amp.

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I've used a TON of different sources in my systems and number of different amplifiers. Poor quality sources and copper plated silver (QED) or nickel plated copper (Black Rhodium AST 200 Bi-Wire) always resulted in an etched sound.

I started my system off with my lowly Pioneer DV353 as a source and it would make your ears bleed. So I switched to the Flavor of the Month Toshiba DVD Player and it was better than the Pioneer--less etched & less fatigued-- but it was outclassed by every CD player I've had in my house over $300 CDN. You can search the archives for my 7 CD Player in house roundup of the Creek CD50Mki, Cary 308, Roksan Kandy MkIII, Cambridge Audio Azur 640c, Arcam 73t, Rega Planet 2000 [and I had had an AMC Cd8b in my system at an earlier time].

ANY of these sources corrected the fatigue issue.

So - look to the source, start with copper cabling and move to mixing if you like the tonality of silver (i'm currently mixing a copper and silver interconnect [one source to pre - the other - pre to amp] with great success).

If you have any other questions please feel free to e-mail me.

Nathan Klassen

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