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Speaker Asylum: Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. by andycsb2000@yahoo.com

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Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please..

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Hi guys,

Sorry for barging in...I own the Quad 12Ls. For the most part, I am pretty satisfied with the performance except for one thing. There is this annoying, fatiging high pitched edge that is evident in most recordings, esp. with vocals. I am at the moment driving it with the Roksan Kandy III. Thought it would go away with the Roksan as I used to drive it with a mid-end HT receiver. It's still there! Or could it be that the Kandy is sorta edgy to begin with? Luckily, it's only a loaner. I know it can't be the cdp, as the edge is there with 3 diff. cdps.

Should I forget SS and go with a tube intergrated amp? Can't afford anthing more than $1,000.00 Any recommendations? How about the Chinese amps like Xindak, Classic or Cayin? If I decide to go with tubes, can I get away with approx. 50 watts/ch?

Hey, Nathan, Duckman ...any advice?


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Topic - Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. - machani 20:19:43 04/13/05 ( 23)