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Speaker Asylum: Re: Burn In... by machani

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Re: Burn In...

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Nathan, TjMV3,
I'm heading to the Quad dealer now. Since I'm bent on buying one of them, I'll try to pressure him to open the 22L box.

All I can do is give you showrooms impressions.

I'll be sure to email you with my findings.


(FYI, I've been using a 2.5 way speaker, JMLab 714 S, and it does present itself differently than the 2 way (706 S). I bought the 714 S because of the extra bass weight. I don't plan to use a sub. That said, I don't like the bass to dominate.)


C N Machani

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Topic - Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. - machani 20:19:43 04/13/05 ( 23)