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Speaker Asylum: Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. by machani

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Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please..

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Thanks Tucker, Nathan, TjMV3 and ayokay. I'm still undecided and I guess the remaining course of action for me is I to force the dealer to open the box of the 22L and let me listen to them and then make my decision.

Like I said earlier, the 21L in the showroom sounded excellent. I even seemed to like them over the $2.6K Focus Audio FS688 monitors which were also carried by the same dealer.


C N Machani

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Topic - Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. - machani 20:19:43 04/13/05 ( 23)