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Speaker Asylum: Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. by tucker

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Re: Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please..

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I own the 22L as well and find they perform very well in all the areas you mention (soundstage, imaging, etc) especially in comparison with the Spendor S5e (which I also own and am selling). I also found them noticably less "boxy" in sound than the Spendors. I have not heard the 21L and really have no desire to listen to the rest of the line.

I personally don't put much stock in reviews (Spendor S5e, case in point) or measurements.

If you're happy with what you heard from the 21L and didn't find the bass lacking, I say go for 'em and don't look back.

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Topic - Quad L series owners, help me decide between 21L and 22L please.. - machani 20:19:43 04/13/05 ( 23)