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Speaker Asylum: Re: Need opinions on Quad 12L by Tarbaby

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Re: Need opinions on Quad 12L

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Thanks for the response, well I had the chance of getting both the 11L and 12L at an excellent price, I got both. The 11L were fantastic and blows away my B&W 600 s3 in every way, I know this is not a fair comparison as the B&W is only half the price of the 11L. The 12L came in and was damaged through shipping, one of the binding post was broken and I have to send it back. I really wanted the 12L for its larger driver, I hope they have another pair to send me.
I wonder how the 11L and 12L compare the bookshelfs from Sonus Faber, mainly the Concertino and Concerto.

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Topic - Need opinions on Quad 12L - Tarbaby 07:26:00 07/29/04 ( 8)