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Computer Audio Asylum: Get out while you still have time! by Ryelands

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Get out while you still have time!

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You are seeking to debate with people who will quote a text one day to the effect that:

the Meyer-Moran tests leave no room for continued disagreements . . .

and the next (OK, the following week) that:

I haven't attempted to defend the Meyer and Moran paper.

and, despite a competent demonstration that the study was so flawed as to be worthless, will rely on it in different discussions, presumably hoping you won't spot them doing it.

You are entering a land where locals make a fetish of “double blind tests” without knowing what these totems are or why any first-year psychology student doubts their efficacy.

In other words, you must learn to deal not with facts but with articles of faith. Here be a realm where science dares not tread.

If you insist on traveling further, be aware that you will soon and inevitably encounter the dreaded “guru”. This fearsome beast will, breathing fire and brimstone, tell you that you know nothing and need to go away and read this or that “properly”. Understand that this means that you are about to get abused some more.

This is not a land of explanations and reasoning and debate, it is a land of petty power.

My advice? Run like ph*** while you can.

On a slightly different note, when you say that:

what it actually shows it that their hearing has degraded to the point where they can't distinguish the information present in higher resolution standards

I’m not clear what you mean. As I read it, the paper you refer to discovered the opposite - that even subjects whose HF sensitivity had degraded could detect differences hitherto described as inaudible.

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Topic - 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate - Tony Lauck 19:26:14 07/26/09 ( 72)