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Computer Audio Asylum: RE: Better duck under that desk; by Phelonious Ponk

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RE: Better duck under that desk;

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I get that he, and a few others here, think it is related to the subject. But unless I misunderstand, the subject is the viability of 16/44.1, a digital recording format, relative to higher-resolution formats (or were we thinking that square waves are superior to Redbook?). And yet the study they think is not only related, but provides evidence of the unacceptability of 16/44.1, contained no 16/44.1 (or higher res) recordings, no complete speaker or playback systems, no music. Perhaps the audibility of misaligned ribbons playing square waves is related tangentially to digital timing in some theoretical way we non-scientists are incapable of grasping, but it says nothing about what people actually do or do not hear when listening to real music on real systems. I am, once again, a bit stunned that anyone can even argue that it does.


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Topic - 44.1 kHz shown scientifically to be inadequate - Tony Lauck 19:26:14 07/26/09 ( 72)